American Name: Amara
Japanese Name: Haruka Ten'ou (Air Heaven Ruler)
Birthdate: January 27th
Sign: Aquarius
Blood Type: B
Fav. Color: Gold
Fav. Food: Salad
Least Fav. Food: Nattou
School Attending: Mugen Gauken High School
Least Fav. Subject: Modern Japanese
Fav. Subject: Phys. Ed.
Fav. Animal: Bird
Fav. Flower: Poppy
Fav. Gem: Gold
Hobbies: racing
Likes: track and field, playing the piano, racing
Dislikes: Confessing
Best Friend: Michiru
Order of Joining: 7th/8th, with Neptune
Voice Done By: Ogata Megumi
Strengths: Dedication to causes, strength, speed, agility
Greatest Wish: to be the top race car driver in the world
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