
American Name: Lita Kino
Japanese Name: Makoto Kino (Truth of Wood)
Birthdate: December 5th
Sign: Sagitarius
Blood Type: O
Favorite Colors: Green, pink
Fav. Food: Cherry Pie/Meatloaf
Least Fav. Food: None
School Attending: Crossroads Junior High, with Serena and Ami
Least Favorite Subject: Physics
Favorite Subject: Home economics, history
Favorite Animal: Horses
Fav. Flower: Lilly of the Valley
Fav. Gem: Emerald
Spends Most Time: cooking, daydreaming, shopping, hanging with friends
Hobbies: Bargain-hunting, cooking
Likes: Romance novels, cooking
Dislikes: Cheaters
Boyfriend: Ken
Best Friend: Ken, then Serena
Home Environment: Lives alone, after her parents were killed in a plane crash
Order of Joining: Lita was the fourth Sailor Scout
Voice Done By: Susan Roman
Strengths: Cooking, physically strong, athletic, loyal, a real morale booster
Greatest Wish: To own a bakery and flower shop


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