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Usagi is a fun-loving fourteen year old girl. She's not what you'd call average, being a complete klutz, and lacking the motivation to do anything but sleep, read comics, play video games, and eat. She does actually make it to school, but is late almost every day. She rarely touches her homework, and would rather go to the arcade than study. She fails an insane amount of tests, yet somehow manages to pass each grade. Sometimes she wishes she could study well, or play a musical instrument, or something that takes commitment. She never ends up doing these things, except maybe studying (in the later series'). She does have a better side though. She has many friends, and is a very good friend. She loves her firends and our world enough to do everything to save it. She helps many of her friends to realize ethat they are not alone in the world, that they have someone who will try to help them out, even if Usagi doesn't always succeed. All in all, Usagi is a very below average student, who has a very big heart.


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