
American Name: Susan or Celia
Japanese Name: Setsuna Meiou (Time Death Ruler)
Birthdate: October 29th
Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: A
Fav. Color: Dark Red
Fav. Food: Green Tea
Least Fav. Food: Eggplant
School Attending: She's graduated
Least Fav. Subject: Music
Fav. Subject: Physics
Fav. Animal: Cat
Fav. Flower: ???
Fav. Gem: Garnet
Hobbies: Sewing, shopping
Likes: Sewing, designing
Dislikes: Cockroaches
Boyfriend: N/A
Best Friend: Small Lady
Order of Joining: 6th
Voice Done By: Kawashima Chiyoko
Strengths: Dedication, control, powerful
Greatest Wish: To be a designer

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