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Many people hate Usagi, only because she is such a klutz and a cry baby, or because she gets more attention than the other scouts. I've also heard of people hating her because for "some odd reason" she got Darien and Rei, Setsuna, or someone else didn't, and Usagi doesn't deserve him. My friends even think I'm crazy because Usagi is my favorite character. Now don't get me wrong, Usagi IS a klutz AND a cry baby, so much so that it often gets annoying. She also does get WAY too many episodes entirely about her, and there are not enough episodes dedicated to the other scouts, and their lives. But ( I knew you were all waiting for this), the Usagi that is my favorite Senshi is the one that is serious when it counts, loving no matter what, worried about her friends, and always tries her hardest to save our world and her friends. The Usagi that is my favorite, never questions love, and believes in it to the end. She understands that love is something you should never let go of, that it's something that doesn't end. She never gives up on her dreams, holding on to them until the bitter end. She has faith in every single one of her friends, and thinks that no one should be alone.

I like the side of Usagi that is most often seen in Princess Serenity, or Neo-Queen Serenity. It is rarely seen in Sailor Moon unless it is one of the final episodes in one of the series', or in the final series - Sailor Stars. It is usually only seen in Usagi when she is one of her alter egos...But it's still in her. She is still a klutz, and a crybaby, and gets too much attention. But there is so much more that I see in her. I like her for the things that are hidden deep within her.

-Arigato Minna for taking time to read this!



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